Have you ever felt stuck in an endless spiral, not knowing how to get out? Here's the solution! This book is the instruction manual you didn't know you needed until now. It provides you with the guidance to navigate life, work, social media, and everything in between. Discover how 22 adults chasing a ball can teach you valuable life lessons, or how daydreaming can be the key to unlocking your true potential. With over 200 illustrations across more than 160 colorful pages, and three years of hard work. Gafshih is one of the most popular fictional characters on social media, offering life lessons on life's ups and downs and adult responsibilities. Expect myths, inspiration, fun, and some confusion because, in this book, anything is possible, and there are no limits to madness! In the end, no matter how much Gafshih tries to clarify things, some minds will understand what they want. So, you can follow the guidelines in the book at your own risk.