《可疑》系列丛书是销量达到110万本的畅销书。通过推理形式的故事情节,该系列探讨了对邻里的漠不关心、虐待儿童、食品安全问题以及社区的重要性等社会话题,让孩子们有机会提出自己的问题,让他们思考“作为一个公民,我们应该如何融入社会生活?” 目前该系列共有 16 本图书。
The "Suspicious Series” is a bestselling mystery series with over 1.1 million copies sold. Through detective-style storytelling, it explores social themes such as not caring for neighbors, child abuse, food safety, and the importance of community. It encourages young readers to think critically about their role as citizens and how to live harmoniously in society. To date, 16 books have been published in this series.