The famous novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett is proposed here in a simplified version, edited by Carlo Scataglini, one of the greatest Italian experts in the field, to allow kids, even those with more or less marked difficulties in reading and understanding of the text, to approach children’s literature and get involved in the adventure narrated in this book. Fun activities consolidate understanding of the text.
In each chapter there are important cognitive organizers and facilitators, useful for following the reading and understanding of the meaning of the text:
- The presentation of the characters
- What happens…: summarizes what will happen in the chapter
- Difficult words: less common words are explained on the last page of each chapter
- Idioms: the most particular phrases are explained at the end of each chapter
The reader has the opportunity to listen (and follow) the text of the story as told by a narrator, using the QR-codes at the beginning of each chapter, or the online resources on the Erickson website, by entering the access code shown on the last page of the book.