A glimpse into the fairytale-like daily life of a child
Even in our routine lives, we experience something special every day. Then, how special are such days for children whose future is wide open? Thirteen Months of Eun-Woo is all about a year in the life of Eun-Woo, filled with love and happiness day by day. The story begins with an introduction of Eun-Woo’s family members and contains episodes that happen to him. This book has a unique structure in which Eun-Woo’s experiences unfold month by month and season by season. This helps introduce the colorful days of Eun-Woo. Explore the everyday life of Eun-Woo, and of the children in Thirteen Months of Eun-Woo, written with the love for a grandson featuring beautiful illustrations.
Every child in the world grows with love
Thirteen Months of Eun-Woo contains scenes from Eun-Woo’s daily life from January to the thirteenth month. The author reveals trivial but dazzling moments in Eun-Woo’s young life--for example, running an errand, going fishing with his family, and feeling nature around his house.
The author depicts the innocent, pure actions of Eun-Woo and tells us how important it is to give a child the love of family. You can find various ways to display love toward a child--from affectionate care to strict discipline. The author also describes episodes at Eun-Woo’s school or after school, which will interest young readers similar in age to Eun-Woo.
May you grow up well. A gift from grandmother to grandson
Thirteen Months of Eun-Woo is a story that a grandmother wants to tell her grandson. The author, who upon becoming a grandmother, wrote this book as a loving gift to her grandson Eun-Woo.
The author realized how precious her grandson is to her, reminiscing about her own grandmother. The author fills this book with small but heart-warming memories that she wants her grandson to cherish. While reading this book, readers will also be given a present--that is--to be touched by the innocence of childhood. It’s because Grandma Jang delivers her wishes for the happiness of children who grow up day by day.