An Inch of Light
- 21st Century Publishing Group
There are over tens of millions of cats in Cat City - and another tens of millions underground. The only difference is that underground, there is no difference between white and black cats - everything is pitch black. The overground cats all wear the same clothes, live in the same houses, and eat the same food...but underground, where the cats cannot see one another, every cat has its own way of living! Underground, the cats wear every colour of clothing, live in different kinds of houses and eat different foods...until, one day, an inch of light steals in and lights up the underground. From that day on, the underground cats begin to change...
“An Inch of Light” indicates other people’s judgment. Before the light shines in, each cat living underground lives their own life without caring about anything else. However, after the light steals in, the cats can see each other, and thus start to care about what others think. As a result, they become increasingly similar to one another. In the end, everyone looks exactly the same. But, if you look closely, you will find that there are still some cats that remain the way they are and stand out from the rest.