Emile’s Hen
- Keywords : Childhood, family, animals, hens, friendship, emotion
Emile was born in the spring. Even before he had ten teeth settled in his mouth, he would go around the henhouse with Grandpa.
Among all the hens, Emile had a favorite one which he named Henrietta. This beautiful white hen started welcoming the young boy by flapping its wings. Over time, Emile and Henrietta become inseparable.
One day, Henrietta stops laying eggs. Now thought of as completely useless, Grandma Martine suggests to eat it the following Sunday for dinner ! For Emile, this is simply inconceivable!
Fortunately, Emile has more than one trick up his sleeve to save his feathered friend. If nobody cares or wants anything to do with Henrietta, then they must not care or want him around either...